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ECI 1000

Endurance Calisthenics Index 1000

All reps are converted to a score on a 1000 point scale. 

This allows athletes and spectators to quickly compare performance on each event. 

1000 ECI = the all-time record reps on each event.

The closer the score is to 1000 the better the reps performance.

All competitors will earn a Belt Mastery distinction based on their average Overall ECI (see charts bel0w).

The Overall Title is the average ECI 1000 score across the 5 Main Events:

Pull-Ups | Squats | Dips | Sit-Ups | Push-Ups


Click on each chart below for full detailed

ECI 1000 values.

Site-Belt Table Lowerweight NEW.jpg


Divisions: Female Division, Lower Weight - Below 170lb, Upper Weight - 170lb and Up


2 minute time limit

New in 2021, glutes must hit a bungee cord that is 10 in (25 cm) below the bottom of the competitor's kneecap; the bungee cord will be adjusted to a new height for each competitor. Squat(s) will not be counted if the hamstrings hit the bungee cord

New in 2021, Every time the competitor hits the bungee cord the judge will see the bungee cord move to indicate that the bottom portion of range of motion has been achieved

Feet can be no wider than shoulder width apart

Must lock out to straight legs at the top

Back upright and straight

Hands must stay on the head.  If the competitors hands come off their head for any reps, those reps will not be counted

Competitors can stop to rest and re-­start reps within the 2 min

NOTE: the image is
from a past year's event, and is for display purposes only , this image does not accurately display the current competition format or equipment.


2 minute time limit


Deadstop dips on the judge's command AFTER the judge taps your hand to let you know you have hit a full lockout at the top; prior to competing EVERY rep competitors must hit a full lockout and WAIT for the judges tap on EVERY rep; if the competitor begins to dip before the judges tap, that rep will not be counted

Arm bend must be BELOW 90 degrees; hitting exactly 90 degrees is a NO REP.  To break 90 no part of the competitor's arm can be above their elbow joint.  The tricep, the shoulder, the delts must all be below the elbow 

Competitors will be restricted to an area 24 inches from front to back for swing; there will be a barrier behind the legs to limit the legs from swinging back; if the legs touch the barrier the rep will not be counted; 24 inches in front of the barrier will be a line of tape on the parallel bars-- the competitor's hands cannot be on or in front of the tape

Competitors cannot lean forward, their torso and upper body must remain upright and vertical

Competitors can stop and get off the bars to rest and re-­start reps within the 2 min.

Dip bars are 21.5 inches wide (55 cm)

Dip bars are 1.75 inches in diameter (4.4 cm)

Dip bars are 5 feet tall (1.52 m), There will be a sturdy 2 foot tall step ladder that competitors will stand on during their 2 minutes so that they don't need to jump up onto the dip bars from the ground, The height of the dip bars allows all competitors to hang with their legs fully straight

NOTE: the image is
from a past year's event, and is for display purposes only , this image does not accurately display the current competition format or equipment.


2 minute time limit


The competitors will hold a weightless ball (less than 0.5lb) in their hands.


The competitor touches the ball to the ground behind their head to begin.


One rep is completed when the competitor brings the ball forward to touch the ball to the ground between their legs.


The competitor's glutes must stay on the ground at all times.   Lifting the glutes from the ground is a NO REP.


The competitor's feet will be under a bar for leverage.

NOTE: the image is from a past year's event, and is for display purposes only , this image does not accurately display the current competition format or equipment.

85S_6353_Moment 8.jpg

Athletes must register separately for the Muscle-Up Competition.  Email with questions

One Set Max Reps to Failure (Not Timed)

All muscle-up competitors must wear shorts that do not obscure the knees. Pants are not allowed.


There will be a wall 30 inches (76 cm) in front of the bar to limit swing.  If any part of the competitor’s body touches the barrier the rep will not be counted.

Competitors cannot stop for more than 3 seconds.  For example, at the top of the muscle-up, the competitor can pause for 3 seconds.  If the competitor pauses for more than 3 seconds, their count of reps is finished at that point -- they will not be allowed to continue to complete muscle-ups.

Competitors cannot rest their hips on the bar at the top, they must support their weight on both hands. 

Legs must be straight, no knee bend is allowed at all. 
Hips can bend.

Full lock out of elbows and armpits at the bottom of the muscle-up AND full lockout of elbow at the top of the muscle-up. 

Both arms must clear the bar at the same time. Competitors cannot bring one arm over faster than the other arm.

All reps must be unbroken, an additional swing in between reps is not allowed. If the competitor takes an additional swing between reps, their count of muscle-ups end at that point, they will not be allowed to continue to complete muscle-ups.

Hands can be just outside shoulder width apart.

Competitors cannot wear straps that wrap around the bar.  Protective medical tape on the palms is allowed. 

Once a competitor drops from the bar their reps are done.

There are two bars, one is 7 feet 8 inches tall (2 m), the other is 7 feet 3 inches tall (1.95 m); competitor's can choose the bar they prefer based on their height

Both pull-up bars are 1.25 inches in diameter (32 mm)

NOTE: the image is
from a past year's event, and is for display purposes only , this image does not accurately display the current competition format or equipment.


One Set Max Reps to Failure (Not Timed)

New in 2020, there will be a wall 14 inches (36 cm) in front of the pull-up bar to limit swing.  If any part of the competitor’s touches the barrier the rep will not be counted.

The is no time limit for this event.


Deadstop pullups on the judge's command AFTER the judge taps your back to let you know you have hit a full lockout; prior to competing EVERY rep competitors must "dead hang" to a full lockout and WAIT for the judges tap on EVERY rep.  The lockout is determined by having a straight elbow, and a fully open armpit


If the competitor pulls up before the judges tap, that rep will not be counted.  If the competitor swings while in the dead hang the judge WILL NOT tap the competitor until the swing stops; the competitor must either wait until the swing stops on its own, or use their muscles to slow the swing to a complete stop before being tapped by the judge


For the FIRST rep only the competitor does NOT need to wait for the judge's tap; the competitor starts at a dead hang and the competitor begins to pull when ready

Full lock out of elbows and armpits at the bottom of the pull-­up

Chin OVER the bar (not at the bar)

Each rep is complete when chin clears bar.  On the competitor's FINAL rep the competitor can simply drop from the bar -- the competitor is not required to hit lockout again after the final rep for the final rep to be counted; the final rep is counted when the chin clears the bar

Hands must be shoulder width apart; wider grip pull-ups are NOT permitted, as this greatly shortens the range of motion needed to complete each rep

Gloves are not allowed.


Chalk is allowed.


Competitors cannot wear hand grips.  If medical tape is needed for a hand injury the competitor must indicate that in the registration for approval.

No kipping is allowed on ANY rep, not even in the final few reps

Re-­adjusting your grip is allowed, but fingers on both hands must remain over the bar the entire time.  Competitors cannot let go of bar with one hand to hang on one hand and then grab the bar again with both hands to continue to do pull-ups; once one hand comes off bar the competitor's reps are done

Competitors do not need to go for speed, there is no clock to beat  We are doing this intentionally, so all competitors can focus on clean form, and not worry about doing fast reps

Once a competitor drops from the bar their reps are done

There are two pull-up bars, one is 7 feet 8 inches tall (2 m), the other is 7 feet 3 inches tall (1.95 m); competitors can choose the bar they prefer based on their height

Both pull-up bars are 1.25 inches in diameter (32 mm)

NOTE: the image is
from a past year's event, and is for display purposes only , this image does not accurately display the current competition format or equipment.


2 minute time limit

New in 2020, deadstop pushups: On the judge's command AFTER the judge taps your hand or forearm to let you know you have hit a full lockout at the top.  Prior to competing EVERY rep competitors must hit a full lockout and WAIT for the judges tap on EVERY rep; if the competitor begins to rep before the judges tap, that rep will not be counted

New in 2020, chest-to-floor level range of motion: Hands will be placed on blocks that are 7 inches wide by 10 inches long. Feet will be on a block 8 inches by 8 inches.  The hands and feet must stay fully on the blocks while repping for the reps to count.  The feet may happen to come slightly apart at times and the reps will still be counted, as long as both feet stay on the foot block while repping

New in 2020, the hand blocks are at a pre-set width, the same with for all competitors, just as dip bars are at a pre-set width, the same width for all competitors, that all competitors adhere to.  The push-up hand blocks are 27 inches wide on the outer edge from left to right

New in 2020, the foot block can be moved to adjust for the height of the competitor.

New in 2020, the two hand blocks are connected with an elastic cord that the competitor must hit for each rep to count.  Note, that because the blocks are elevated, to hit the elastic cord, the competitor will need to do a chest-to-floor level pushup.  Note: the elastics cord is roughly 3/4 inch below the level of the hands on the block.  This is roughly 3.75 inches deeper than the “fist height” push-up in all prior years of competition.  The elevated block will allow the competitor's head to lower comfortably to hit a deep chest-to-floor range of motion push-up, while keeping their neck straight and safe

New in 2020, the elevated block will also raise the competitor off of the ground to a higher position which will allow judges to more easily assess form and full range of motion, so the judge will not need to lay on the ground to view the rep

Lower back must be straight and not sink, if the back is arched or sagging it is no rep

Competitors can rest on their knees and re-­start reps within the 2 min

NOTE: the image is from a past year's event, and is for display purposes only , this image does not accurately display the current competition format or equipment.

M U S C L E - U P S
The Muscle-up event is the first event to be competed.  It is a stand-alone event.  An athlete can compete in the Muscle-up competition only without competing in the Main Event (Pull-Ups, Squats, Dips, Sit-Ups, Push-Ups).  The competitor order is randomized and posted one week before the competition.

There are no weightclasses for Muscle-Ups.

M A I N  E V E N T - I N D I V I D U A L   A W A R D S


All competitors in the overall vying for individual event awards must compete in at least 4 events to be eligible for event awards. 

We do not cultivate specialists.  For many reasons at the Chicago Pull Up Park Jam we promote comprehensive, holistic, health.


(1) For your health it makes most sense to train your entire body.  We want people in our community to be complete physical beings.  This includes all major muscles groups, heart, lungs, tendons, ligaments, and bones - all of which are strengthened collectively through full body training and competing.


(2) Being an overall athlete forces you to address your weaknesses. No one is good at everything. This is a great exercise for the ego, not just the body.  In sports and in life we all have the potential to transform our weaknesses into strengths if we focus on the exercises and events that we are not naturally great at.


(3) Training for all events forces you to be thoughtful; you have to divvy your time among different exercises intelligently, and you have to know how to train to recover well to use your full body everyday.


While we understand some athletes will have injuries that limit them from competing their best on all events, it is not fair to have a specialist that has trained extensively on only one event expend their energy competing on only one event, compete against other athletes that have trained and exhausted energy on all five events.  We expect all athletes to compete to the best of their abilities on all events that they are physically capable of.

In the event of a tie for a podium placement, there is a tiebreak for that event at the end of the competition.  This has happened in past events and usually one of the most thrilling moments to watch.  If there is a tie for the Overall the tiebreak will be a circuit of all events.



Female Division
Lower Weight - Below 170lb
Upper Weight - 170lb and


* The Pull Up Park Jam requires a minimum of 5 competitors to launch a new division in its first year.
Existing weightclass divisions must have at least 10 competitors per division to be considered for medals.

*Age Group Recognition to competitors age 12 and below and age 50 and above.
Female competitors have to option to weigh in to be qualified for weightclass division awards in addition to gender specific division awards.  Weigh in is not mandatory for female athletes.


Competitors attempting to overload their weigh in can be disqualified from the entire event, without refund.  ALL MALE COMPETITORS MUST WEIGH IN WITH AN OFFICIAL THE DAY OF THE EVENT PRIOR TO COMPETING.  Competitors cannot weigh in in heavy attire; competitors must weigh in the attire they will compete in.

Competitors cannot wear loose fitting attire that obscures the judge from assessing the reps clearly and completely.  If the athlete is not dressed appropriately at the time they are called to compete, the athlete will be scratched from the event, will receive zero reps for that event, and will not compete that event.   It is the athlete’s responsibility to ensure the judge can clearly see the reps performed in the attire chose.


A competitor cannot get a second chance to compete if they misunderstood the rules.

There are no do-overs, no re-dos.



T I E  B R E A K S

If two or more competitors in the top 3 ranking tie on a single event or in the overall,
those competitors will compete in a tiebreak after the competition is completed.


If there is a tie for overall the competitors will flip a coin to decide who competes first in a

10 minute non-stop circuit of all events that would proceed as follows:

1 minute of deadstop pullups, 30 seconds rest, 1 minute of squats, 30 seconds rest, 1 minute of deadstop dips, 30 seconds rest, 1 minute of sit-ups, 30 seconds rest, 1 minute of dead stop push-ups

One judge will judge each competitor for all 5 events for the entirety of that competitor's circuit.


If there is a tie on a single event the competitors will

flip a coin to decide who competes first to perform as below:

Pull-ups: one set max deadstop

All other events: 1 minute showdown

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